Interested in Renting the Independent Community Center?
The Community building is available for rental by club members and by the general public.
Step 1: Check the calendar for the availability of your preferred date(s).
Step 2. Download and read the documents listed below.
Step 3: Contact the Building Use Committee (BUC). A BUC member will contact you by phone or email within a day or two to discuss your rental needs. A tentative reservation for your event will be made and a tour of the Center will be arranged if you are a new renter and not familiar with the Independent Community Center.
Note: After a verbal or email commitment to a rental, the date reservation will be held for 10 days. If the renter does not submit the Rental Agreement, Alcohol Agreement (if required), and appropriate fees within 10 days, the date will NOT be reserved.
Step 4: After you are contacted by a BUC member, fill out the Building Use Contract and the Alcohol Agreement if alcohol will be present at the event. You may also fill out the Application for ICC Sponsorship if you are requesting sponsorship.
Submission options: You can either:
- Print the required forms, fill them out and sign. Either mail the forms or scan the forms and email to the Building Use Committee to the email or snail mail address they will provide, or
- Fill out the fillable pdf forms on your computer and submit to the Building Use Committee by email provided to you.
Step 5. Upon receipt of your application materials and fees, your BUC representative will contact you to make final arrangements. At that point you will arrange a time to view the building, sign your contract, and make your payment.
Step 6. After your event, clean the Center according to the Closing Checklist and leave the signed Closing Checklist in the box on the counter near the kitchen. Be sure to include the number of participants and the number of hours the furnace is used.
NOTE: Although there is no rental cost to ICC members for the first three uses of Center, donations will be gratefully accepted to help pay the approximately $10/hour propane costs and other Center maintenance costs.
Step 7. Within a week after the event, you will receive a phone call or email from an ICC representative to discuss returning your security deposit, assuming:
- All steps on the Closing Checklist have been completed
- There was no damage to property or neighboring properties
- There was no other violation to the rental agreement
Note: Security deposits are not required of ICC members.